My curiosity got the best of me. I was snuggled in bed hoping to get a few extra winks in so that I could awake refreshed and ready for a busy four day work week. Our youngest son had an extra day at home due to the MLK holiday and was safely back at Mississippi State University. Clothes had been ironed and my dress and jewelry laid out for the morning. I use my cell phone as an alarm and was setting the alarm when I happened to read all the Facebook comments about the beautiful ring around the moon. Curiosity set in, so I wrapped a blanket around me and headed outside to see the celestial sight. Mr. Still Woods was already out there and as I headed down the brick steps he commented that he had ever seen a ring so large. I made the dreadful mistake of looking up and then the next thing I knew, I was going down. It was not a pretty fall. I knew right away that I had done something dreadful to my left hand. As I held it, I noticed that is was now shaped like a fork, wit
"Be Still and Know That I am God" Psalm 46:10