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Pillow Covers...The Ultimate Quick Change Artists!

I have discovered the purchased pillow cover.  Yes, I know... I bet some of you have been using them for years.  I'm a little slow at times! For years, I have sewn my own pillow covers.  My mother did before me and her mother before her.  It's what we do.  Who knew you could walk into your neighborhood Hobby Lobby and find a decent pillow cover?

I am doing a little pre-Christmas planning and wanted to make buffalo checked zippered pillow covers for my sofa pillows.  I was perusing the fabric isle for the perfect fabric when low and behold, I saw rows and rows of pillow covers for 50% off. Hold the presses!  After a quick scan of the many rows, no buffalo print was to be found.  Thoughts of Christmas went out the door!  I regrouped and instead, picked up several damask and linen pillow covers.  I thought they would freshen up my decor and would be perfect for this very hot time of year.  The covers are are well made and have a hidden zipper.  The most expensive one was originally $7.99, with an extra 50% off.  Goodness, a zipper alone is about $4.00 and then you still have to purchase the fabric and thread.

I stopped by another Hobby Lobby in our area hoping to find the allusive buffalo check.  I discovered that they do not carry any; however, the trip was not in vain.  I found an adorable monogrammed His and Hers pillow cover for $4.00!  AND I am excited to say that after looking through the vast internet, I was able to find exactly what I wanted for my Christmas decor and those covers should be here any day. Can't wait to share my buffalo inspired Christmas theme with you later!

So in case you are like me and make your own covers or have been in the dark regarding purchased pillow covers, head over to your local Hobby Lobby and see if they have anything that might meet your fancy!  With all the options available, your pillows can become Quick Change Artists like mine.
Blessings from Lynda at Still Woods Farmhouse
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  1. Beautiful pillows! Thanks for the tip, heading to HL now!

    1. Glad you like the tip! I hope they get in a few different designs for winter. Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
      Blessings from Lynda at Still Woods Farmhouse

  2. Love the pillows! What a great buy! My kind of deals! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thank you Cindy! I thought they were terrific and the price can't be beat. Who doesn't love a great deal?
      Blessings from Lynda at Still Woods Farmhouse

  3. Smart, pretty, and well worth the price! I love it when bloggers feature things like this that I can do. :)

    Happy Thoughts of Home.

    1. Thanks Stacey! I am happy to bring you a project that is quite easy. I love that kind of project too! Thank you for stopping by and come back again!
      Blessings from Lynda at Still Woods Farmhouse

    2. I love buying pillow covers for a quick change. Thank you for sharing at Snickerdoodle!

  4. I love your pillows!

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  5. I like very much your pillow design. If you have bed linen tutorial please share.

  6. Lovely colours. I came across this site called Amouve recently for bed sheets online and pillow covers.

  7. Great Blog.. Buy Bedsheets, Quilts and other Bedding Essentials Online in India. Checkout for Special Offers and First Look at New Products.


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